I found this in Paris and would appreciate your thoughts on the Hallmark, EG. as well as the other little mark, both on the inner rim of the pillbox lid. Thank you so much for this incredible forum and your wealth of knowledge!
French marks.
Boar - silver small guarantee (1838 - present).
EC, EG? - maker’s mark. Eusebe Callot, Edouard Corvasier? Any ideas?
Thank you Bartholomew! I really appreciate your taking a look. That is very helpful!
Elizabeth Godfrey also known as Eliza Godfrey, she is regarded as the most prominent woman goldsmith from the 18th century. Born into a silversmithing family and widowed twice in her lifetime she went on to gain Royal Patronage. Born Elizabeth Pantin, to Simon Panin a notable Huguenot silversmith, she is believed to have learned of the trade in her father’s workshops, which were run by her mother Mary Pantin in 1733 following the death of her brother Simon II. She married Abraham Buteux on the 11th Feb 1720, who upon his presumed death she registered her first mark as Elizabeth Buteux on the 15th Nov 1731. She carried on this business until her marriage to her journey man Benjamin Godfrey on the 3rd October 1732. Her mark as Elizabeth Buteux is rarely encountered having been used little over a year. Her mark as Elizabeth Godfrey was registered on 29th June 1741, upon the death of Benjamin Godfrey. Her last recorded activity is in 1758 which may denote retirement or death. The quality of work bearing her marks attests to the status of her patrons, most notably H.R.H the Duke of Cumberland as stated on her trade card. Godfrey’s best works reflect the height of rococo design which swept through the British Isles in the 1730s and 40s.
However, I see no connection between the mentioned Elizabeth Godfrey and the France of that time.
I don’t think that is Elizabeth Godfrey’s mark. For me it’s a French maker’s mark: EG with a flag, as in the picture in Bartholomew’s Ebay link above.
Eusebe Callot, Edouard Corvasier? Any ideas?
Etienne Bonaventure Guichard
Mark: EG + a flag
Mark registered: 17 Aug 1867, 73 rue aux Ours; no cancellation
Born: 15 Mar 1835, Autrey-les-Grey, Haute-Saone, son of Louis Felix Guichard & Jeanner Roussel
Married: 15 Mar 1866, Paris, to Louise Gabrielle Ottmann
It’s just a guess…
Excellent information, thank you so much for your time and research!
It’s just a guess… –-_____