Hi there!
I have what i assume is a coffee pot. It has the walker and hall flag with a G underneath it and A1, it also says warranted hard and silver soldered. The handle has these holes in it which I assume is so the handle does not get hot? There is a monogram of a anchor with a belt that looks life a life preserver encircling it and three flowers in the middle (possibly poppy pod, clover and something else) there is also a whale sitting on top of the belt. I assume this might have been off a ship? I am wondering how old it is and whether it is pewter or silver plate. I do not believe it to be sterling. Oh and its about 5 inches high with a diameter of about 4.
the A1 tells you it is plate.
A1 is a manufacturer defined standard. Which standard is unknown as it is not any official asseyed.