I’m posting in the hope I can get some guidance concerning a London 1757 silver tankard, on offer in Italy. Details and images as under:
pandolfini.it/it/asta-0078/t … -wipha.asp
Legitimate hallmarks appear on the base, what bothers me is the inclusion of ;
‘Mappin Bros 222 Regent Street & London Bridge’
as Mappin Bros only started in business in the 1790’s!
The sellers read the makers mark as ‘TW’, whereas I believe it to be ‘JW’.
I collect any* item I can attribute to former residents/artisans etc living or working on Old London Bridge.
There were several goldsmiths resident on the Bridge over time, one named John Watkins was there at the time the tankard was made, but I have been unable to ascertain his product speciality, or a clear impresion of all his marks, the only one I know of is ‘IW’ which does not correspond with that on the tankard!
Hoping someone will assist
PS I have examples of goldsmith/silvermaker and Bridge resident Edward Bennett, a flatware maker.
NB The web site images far exceed my ability, I hope they are of help, and apologise for the inconvenience.
*Any . . … .within the range of my pocket!! Artists lived there and their work is largely 5 figures, so I resort to less expensive examples of engravings ‘after’.