Recently picked up a set of random silverware and this was in the bunch along with a few other pieces that are marked Sterling. I have tried everything I could but couldn’t find this hallmark anywhere. It seems to read V A & S A and when doing an acid test on it it’s showing silver. Could someone help point me in the right direction identifying this hallmark and where it’s from? Thanks in advance
Not sure which maker it is, but it’s not sterling. Sterling would have actual hallmarks, and these aren’t hallmarks at all.
Remember, an acid test tells you only what metal is on the surface of an object, and even silverplate will react to that. But the silver layer on plate is only microns thick, so there’s virtually no recoverable precious metal there.
The manufacturer’s mark is JN&S for John Nowill & Sons of Sheffield (England). “A” is Nowills’ electroplate grade - one down from “A1”.