Silver Cat

Another charity shop find in south Africa. Thought it was just a tin cat but when I started to clean it, proper silver hallmarks appeared. It is Chester sterling silver from 1926. It was maid by William Vale & Son. WV did made other animal stuff like rattles, napkin rings and salt shakers, but they are usually bears. It is hollow but there is no solder marks that show that it was connected to anything else. Did find resin pieces inside it. I filled it up with candle wax to make it more sturdy. Any idea what it could have be.

Hi, still no information about what this could have been…What can it be used for or should it just stay a figurine? The piece were made by soldering the front and back together and there is a small hole forming on the edge. I was wondering if I should fill it with some tin/sink flatten the base to make it more sturdy. Will this bring down its value?
