I’m trying to find out more information about this creamer and sugar.
My mother says that her brother gave it to her as a 25th anniversary gift. That would have been in 1975. The name Sanborn is etched on both pieces. However, Sanborn is NOT a family name. I think that my uncle picked these up at an estate sale.
The mark is "Roger & Bro. on a circle with the phrase “Triple plate” and a fist holding a fistful of lightning bolts. This doesn’t seem to be a standard Roger & Bros marking, So I’m at a loss for further information.
The sugar bowl as a basket bale type handle and a lid. There is some missing plate on the pieces.
There were at least a couple of dozen silver companies using the Rogers name during the 19th century. This mark belongs to Rogers and Bro. based in Waterbury, Connecticut. They were formed in 1858, but did not begin making holloware until about 1874. They were one of the original companies that joined up to form International Silver in 1898.
This is a very nice cream and sugar set. If you get a chance I’d love to see a closeup of the pattern in the bands!
Thanks for the pictures of the pattern in the bands. Respectfully, I disagree with Uncle Vic - Sanborn seems clearly to be a monogram and not the retailer. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen retailer marks on the front of a piece rather than the bottom. True, silverplate has very little monetary value in today’s marketplace, especially with condition issues, but that doesn’t mean much of it lacked artistic merit. The 19th century brought an explosion of creativity in the field of American silver, and it was often possible to experiment with (the much less expensive to produce) silverplate in a way that was less often done with solid silver (with notable exceptions.)
Your creamer and sugar are not worth much money, but they are still attractive, and of nice form. I hope your mom will enjoy them as they are!
Absolutely that is the way the owner tells that it is their item.
In Europe it could also be the one who has given this item. But then it would normally say "Til Errindring … " that is “In remenbrence of…”
Regarding value the sentimental value is highest. Use the set and remember people when you do - that is the way.
I told Mom that it was likely that my aunt and uncle picked these pieces up at an estate sale or flea market. She used them for years whenever she entertained a large group for tea or coffee. (Usually one of those women’s clubs…)
We don’t know who Sanborn is (or was) as it isn’t a family name. It’s clear to me that the pieces are far older than would be my parent’s silver anniversary (1975) just from the wear on them. Mom has always been very careful with her sterling and silver plate. I have a number of other pieces from her that are in much better condition.
When they are clean they are quite pretty with the detail in the bands and the handles and lids. I also fine the shapes to be pretty unusual. I have not found another piece with the conical shapes of these.
I have several other pieces of both silver and silverplate that I might share in this forum. Most of them I’ve been able to identify, but there are a few mysteries.
Just to be clear, your pieces date between 1874 and 1898 - they were probably made in the early to mid 1880’s. I love to collect old silver from estate sales as well, and I particularly love old monograms - maybe I’d better explain to my kids that we’re not related to all those people! I look forward to seeing more pieces from your mom’s collection. Thanks for sharing!
What I’m currently doing is trying to put together a notebook for EXACTLY that purpose. Identify more about each piece of silver (and other stuff) so that future generations know more about these things. I had thought that Sanborn was a family name on Mom’s side, as I’ve worked on her genealogy, I discovered otherwise and confirmed with her.
My grandmother on my dad’s side did that for the pieces she knew about from family, but there are pieces from other sources that I’m now trying to run to ground.
Knowing that these pieces date to the 1880’s is pretty significant to me. I’m a huge history buff and, even though, the pieces have little dollar value, they connect us to that past.
Yes! I’d suggest that you create some documentation of the things you are acquiring as the story is usually as much fun as the piece itself. It also helps future generations understand what is an only family piece and what you found in a fun trip.
Sanborn Iowa - Sanborn Minesota - Sanborn insurance
Lots of Sanborn excist noone can tell from which Sanborn your piece is.
Try google
That is however often not the case. In many situations I have succeded in finding the people in question. I have experienced that I have found an owner that got married in 1760 - I bought 5 silver spoons with initials.
In another case I have identified a farm - and I have a piece from 1822 - the location is now located when I get some more time I shall find the owner.That should be easy as I have the excact location and time.
What I want to say is - try to investigate your silver. One might get lucky.