I bought one gorgeous tray and lovely fruit server spoons in antique market in London. The owner of the shop said the crown mark on the tray signified its made in the Victorian era, also small crown mark with EP on spoon tells you very old. The tray had a tag saying “Victorian”. She also mentioned the kite shaped mark on the spoon shows quality of silver or something. Studying about hallmarks after this UK trip I start wondering if it was true. My husband says the tray is too decorative and clean to be british antique and looks totally indian fake. Can anyone help indentifying the maker and date please??
It is Victorinan. The 'kite’s shaped design registration mark indicates that the design was registered pre 1884, a simple number was used after that, it has nothing to do with the quality of silver or indeed workmanship. Attempting to decode the kite gives ‘I’ for metal,The G is February, the 18 means the 18th day and I think the letter is an X which would be 1868. it is, as you probably know electroplated silver. The date in the kite is the earliest date of manufacture since it was when the design was registered. I know several silversmiths marks but I’m not up on silver plate manufacturers marks. Maybe someone else can help with that. Hope this helps
The crown can imply a Victorian date if the item is British, as the Sheffield Assay Office acquired exclusive use of the crown some time towards the end of the 19th century. However this prohibition on the use of a crown does not hold outside Britain.
MH&Co is Martin, Hall & Co of Sheffield ([url]http://www.925-1000.com/silverplate_M.html[/url]). K&P is probably Kleinwort & Peerless of London ([url]http://www.925-1000.com/silverplate_K.html[/url]) although it may also be Kerr & Phillips of Glasgow.
Thank you so much for your quick reply, silvertt and silvermakersmarks!!! The details and links helped me alot. I loved the design so much and the price was too good to be in my country so I got confused. Im so happy to know that was true now. Thank you!!!