Mark Identification - Help Please

Hi All,

I have three marks I’ve been trying to identify. Can you help please?

This is on a glass powder box with sterling lid.
This is on a glass flask with sterling.
This is on a modernist sterling bracelet.

Your first mark is (most probably) an American sterling mark. I’m not sure what the letter combination might be.

The second is a London sterling hallmark with the date letter “l” for 1906/07.

I have no idea about the third mark.

Your second mark has the makers initials which are just out of shot to the left :thinking:

Thanks to you both! Adding the makers initials from the second photo. Sadly hard to read but thought I’d give it a try and see what you think.

The maker’s mark is that of Drew & Sons. The initials on the mark are ED over JSD for Ernest & John Summers Drew:


However that causes me a small problem as this mark was not registered until 1914 so my reading of the date letter must be wrong; I suspect that it might be a slightly deformed or damaged “t” for 1914.