M & Co 5581 Silverplate Dish..

I bought this today at a local swap meet, for $1… I have tried to research the hallmark, but have not found any info on it yet… The three stamped marks look like an S, not sure of the second one, and possibly a P… I do believe it is silverplate… Any information would be very helpful…



Not strictly speaking a hallmark as this is plated
The maker’s mark of Marples & Co of Sheffield (1900 - 1907 - In 1908 the firm became Marples, Wingfield & Wilkins), ‘S’ for Sheffiled and the gothic letters ‘EP’ stating electroplate.
Hope this helps


Thank you for the info. If you were to take an educated guess, would this item possibly have been made between those dates? I would think so, given the date range of the hallmark…


PS: I guess that was a dumb question. … Its early here in the US…