I recently received a tilting teapot. After some research, I found out that the hallmark (trumpet with banner) belongs to James Dixon and Sons and that it is not real silver but Electro Plate Britannia Metal.
The sequence of inscriptions is:
M --> unknown
“trumpet” --> JD&D trader mark
JD&S —> James Dixon and Sons
EPBM --> Electro Plate Brittania Metal
4176 —> Catalogue number
7 --> Size of the item. Probably equals half pints
Above the trunpet is an M stamped. Does anyone know what this stands for? Is this worth anything knowing it is electro plate?
If a picture is required pls send me a pm with email and I’ll send some.
Some additional notes:
There is no mentioning of “Sheffield” or “made in England”
Sheffield data marks for Sterling Silver have an M in 1855. Did they use the same for silver plate? If so and the M stands for 1855, this would be strange since the trumpet is only an official trademark as of 1879…
Thanks for your advise. I did however not find any other piece like this one. It also seems to have some ivory on it and looks much nicer than most other JD&S you can find on the web,
Attached a picture. Basically if the value is not more then let;s say 250EUR, I will clean it and put in my living room.
It’s not a teapot - it’s a kettle, and should also have a spirit burner which would have been positioned in the circular hole in the bottom of the stand. A quick look on eBay showed a kettle with tilting stand and with burner which sold for £75.