Is this a real or fake Tiffany mark?

I cannot find the same layout of the mark online or the same Tiffany plate. 48202 seems to be indicated as the pattern number on the item but again cannot find it online and the position of it does not seem like what I see on other pieces. I see online with the M mark 1907-1947 the pattern and batch numbers are to the left and right of the word maker.

The plate passes the diamagnetic magnet test but could just be silver over copper. There are also some what look like me to be pock or casting mark maybe. These little holes that are only on the top rim around it in various spots. They are not on the middle top of the plate or the bottom of the plate. The middle top of the plate and the whole bottom is just smooth, no pock marks.

Thank you! I reviewed those sites and others. So far I cannot find this exact marking anywhere. I am leaning towards not a real mark.

Thanks again Bartholomew. I am concerned how the pattern number 48202 is above the words Sterling Silver. Usually I have seen it to left of the word Makers and the batch number to the right or possibly under the word Sterling silver. I cannot find any other Tiffany marks on the listed resources that are laid out like the one I show. This is what is causing me concern. I would love for it to be real but with no other sites showing this same layout of the marks iwhere only the pattern number is listed above the words sterling silver.

Sorry, I cannot find the wine goblets picture you reference.


While your scepticism should be applauded in the research business, it is almost certainly unwarranted in this instance. Basic rule about fakers is they are lazy. Too lazy to acquire by legitimate means something they can create by fakery. Making this mark this crisp would have just been too complex and time consuming an effort to pass off a fairly run of the mill Tiffany item. CRWW


Hi Guildhall. Sounds good. It would be a very good fake mark for a run of the mill plate. I will accept that the mark is an exception to the normal layout of marks. Appreciate the input. Thank you!