I recently inherited a silver pocket watch. From what I can ascertain it was made in Birmingham, but I could use some help with the dating and maker information. Thanks in advance.
I can’t help with the watch itself as (a) you haven’t posted any pictures of the mechanism and (b) I wouldn’t know anything anyway.
However I can tell you about the case, which was assayed in Birmingham in the 1893/94 assay year. The maker’s mark JR is that of Rotherham & Sons, watch & watchcase manufacturers of Spon Street, Coventry. Coventry was one of the major centres of watchcase making, supplying not only the town’s watch makers but also many small provincial watch makers.
Great info! Thanks a ton. I didn’t see any obvious ways of accessing the watch mechanism, and will probably leave that be. It still works great and I don’t want my curiosity to fudge that up