Hi there.
I’ve just been helping family clear out some old items and we’ve come across this walking stick. Grandparents believe it be 100+ years old and would love any help in indentifying the marks on it.
Anything would be greatly appreciated!!!
Hi there.
I’ve just been helping family clear out some old items and we’ve come across this walking stick. Grandparents believe it be 100+ years old and would love any help in indentifying the marks on it.
Anything would be greatly appreciated!!!
Possibly made by Charles Cooke (C.C), London 1890-95
I agree that the mark is that of Charles Cooke, a known maker of mounts for sticks (but not of the stick itself). He is known to have supplied silver mounts to Thomas Brigg & Sons a major manufacturer of sticks, whips, umbrellas, etc. The date letter (the lowest of the 3 components of the hallmark in your picture) looks like S for 1893.
My God, what an eagle eye! Congratulations
Thank you everyone for your help!!