Help needed identifying silver hallmarks

Hi everyone, I have been researching these marks for weeks but come to a dead end

Can someone please enlighten me with the history and if they are real silver or not

I am a new collector, thank you in advance!!

I suspect that none of the marks which you show are silver marks as there is no indication of silver fineness such as 925 or sterling. Elldee has been identified elsewhere as a French silver plate maker.


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Thanks for the reply Phil

Should I do a silver acid test on them?

And any idea of what the rabbit hallmark means
I’ve seen different rabbit ones but Not come across as anything like this

And the number 2 in the box?

No, definitely do not use acid to test. Whether an item is solid silver or silver plated it will show up as silver and you will have damaged it in the process. The only sure way with acid testing is to gouge through to a lower level so that you can be sure you are testing the actual constituent metal - and this will cause even more damage than just scratching the surface.

I have no idea the other marks mean but I assume they are the manufacturer’s own marks and not hallmarks.

Thanks mate for the advice

I’m going to try and find more about them, I’ll let you know if I do!

P.s I have a old vintage spoon, with the marking of sterling pat. 1891 makers name g.w Fairchild

It has a gold tone to the spoon head on the inside but was not sure if this is real silver or maybe just plated

This is American sterling silver by the Whiting Manufacturing Co. Fairchild is probably the retailer. The pattern is “Louis XV”.

Finally a find!

Thanks a lot much appreciated