Help me identify a 1860s inherited tea set

Hi all,

Thank you in advance for any help. I inherited a tea set from my grandmother I’d like to sell, unless it has little value, then I’ll use it. It is stamped as Wilcox SilverPlate Co. On this forum, I found that they operated in the US in the 1860s. So the best I can do is look for comparisons there. It has 5 pieces and one loose top. I think it may be missing one top. The set has a larghe tea pot, a small tea pot, what I assume is a smaller pot for cream, an urn like vessel with a top the size of a grapefruit with handles, and another coconut sized vessel maybe missing a top. They all have nice dental work along the tops and have 4 cloven hoof legs topped wit a bearded man. They are all engraved with a “C” I think. What would you do with this set? Sell? Keep? Research more?

Thank you and appreciate the help.


Wilcox were in operation 1867-1961. See here: Wilcox Silver Plate Co: history, marks and flatware patterns

Your won’t make a fortune by selling it so, if you like it and want to use or display it, then keep it. If it’s just taking up space then sell it. You may find something similar (but not exactly the same) in Ebay’s “Sold” listings which will give you an idea about price.


Thank you Phil! I appreciate it.