Coffee Pot: John Carrow, Philadelphia

I don’t have a camera that can capture the makers mark, but it is a raised circle with raised print. The inside circumference of the top half of the circle has: QUADRUPLE PLATE ON. The inside circumference of the lower half of the circle has: HARD WHITE METAL. Across the diameter of the circle: JOHN CARROW. Immediately below: PHILA.PA. A small star centered above JOHN CARROW and below PHILA.PA. Above small hole in the center, bottom: 300.

I would like to know more about John Carrow, the approximate date for the manufacture of this piece, what it was used for, approximate value and whether or not I should attempt to polish it!

Thank you.

Hi there and thanks for joining us. John Carrow was in business from about 1884 in Philadelphia and made silverplated wares, so your pot dates from the late 19th century. Because it is electroplated - even though marked “quadruple” - the silver plating is very thin and you should polish it with extreme care to avoid rubbing through the silver and exposing the base metal.

Like most American silver plated holloware, it has little commercial value but is a nice antique piece that you should be proud to display and use.


Uncle Vic


I have one of these coffee pots too. Great flea market find! I was able to get a good pic of the round stamp on the bottom of the pot with my iPad.